DGM Locksmiths - west midlands

The Importance of New Keys for Enhanced Security

When it comes to security, the role of keys cannot be overstated. As qualified locksmiths, we advocate for the regular update of keys to enhance security measures. Let's delve into the critical aspects that highlight the importance of obtaining new keys for optimal security.

The Importance of New Keys

Preventing Unauthorised Access
The foremost advantage of obtaining new keys is the prevention of unauthorised access. Over time, keys can wear down or be duplicated, posing a significant risk to the security of your property. By regularly updating keys, you mitigate the chances of unauthorised individuals gaining entry.

Safeguarding Against Key Duplication Risks
One of the inherent risks associated with traditional keys is the potential for duplication. Lost or unaccounted-for keys can fall into the wrong hands, leading to unauthorised duplicates. New keys, especially those with advanced security features, offer a higher level of protection against duplication risks.

Ensuring Optimal Lock Performance
Keys and locks work in tandem, and both components can experience wear and tear. Regularly updating keys is essential to ensure optimal lock performance. A well-maintained key contributes to the smooth functioning of the lock, reducing the likelihood of malfunctions or jamming.

Preventing unauthorised access is crucial to maintaining the security and privacy of your property. Unauthorised entry can lead to theft, vandalism, or other security breaches.
New keys often come with advanced security features such as unique patterns or electronic components, making duplication more challenging and reducing the risk of unauthorised key copies.
It is advisable to update your keys periodically, especially if you have experienced key loss, personnel changes, or any security concerns. Aim for key updates at least every few years.
While simple lock changes can be done by individuals with basic skills, it is recommended to consult a qualified locksmith for professional key updates, ensuring proper installation and enhanced security.
Electronic keys, incorporating advanced technologies like RFID or smart chips, provide an added layer of security compared to traditional keys. They are less susceptible to unauthorised duplication.
The cost of updating keys is a small investment compared to potential losses due to unauthorised access. It is a proactive measure that pays off in safeguarding your property and assets.


As qualified locksmiths, we stress the paramount importance of obtaining new keys for enhanced security. The proactive step of updating keys not only prevents unauthorised access but also safeguards against key duplication risks, ensuring optimal lock performance over time. Prioritise your security by embracing the practice of regular key updates.

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